Success Story: Medical Gas Services

CHT: From a $2M Company to a $6M Company Today

Compliant Healthcare Technologies (CHT) is a medical gas inspection and testing company based in Northeast Ohio. Before partnering with Modgility, they didn't have any digital marketing strategies in place. So where did they start? With the customer.

Inbound Marketing Transformed the Way CHT Does Business


Increase in Leads in the First Year


Increase in Website Traffic in the First Year


Sales Revenue Increase Over 5 Years

“The ROI is obvious. Customers are seeing us as the leaders in our industry now.”

Jason Di Marco
President & CEO, CHT

Implementing a Modern Strategy

Before working with Modgility, CHT didn't have a modern website or any digital marketing strategies in place. They were struggling with getting inbound sales calls and opportunities.

When Jason and CHT first approached Modgility, they knew they had to start off doing things differently.

The best course of action when starting a journey with inbound marketing is understanding the customer's needs and wants and effectively communicating what your company does and how your solutions can solve problems.

Modgility conducted voice of customer research to help identify CHT's core buyer personas.

Using data gathered about their ideal customers, Modgility helped CHT establish their brand messaging, develop a new modern website, and coordinate email marketing, lead nurturing, and social media efforts. 

These efforts helped establish CHT as a leader in their industry by better educating their customers. They saw a significant increase in sales calls and customers reaching out just in the first year of implementing a modern inbound strategy.

Over the years, Modgility has worked with CHT to fine tune their digital marketing strategies and has successfully continued to help CHT grow from a $2M company to a $6M company today. 

Ultimately, inbound transformed the way CHT does business. 

Ready to Talk?

Let's determine how we can help you accomplish your goals faster, boost profitability, and lower costs.