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Success Story: Health & Wellness, B2B

Be Well Solutions: Web Application for Employee Health

Be Well Solutions is a physician-owned, comprehensive wellness company. Be Well Solutions specializes in full-service wellness including bio metric screenings, health risk assessments, wellness programming and intervention, compliance tracking and aggregate reporting.


Develop custom web-portal with individual user account management, wellness data management, wellness training, company aggregated data reporting and dashboards, and full back-office administration.

The site enables services for:


We offer engaging and educational biometric screenings that assess health status. Our screenings are staffed by professionals who offer solutions to help participants prevent major health problems.

Incentive Tracking

We work with you to design an incentive based wellness program that reflects your organization’s culture, goals and prior experience with wellness. Then, we implement and track the program for you.

Aggregate Reporting

We present an organizational health assessment to review aggregate data gathered from the screenings and help you design a long-term strategy for incorporating good health into your organization’s culture.

Wellness Programming

We offer a full range of programs to help your employees maximize their emotional and physical wellbeing, including health coaching, educational seminars and wellness campaigns.

Ready to Talk?

Let's determine how we can help you accomplish your goals faster, boost profitability, and lower costs.