Success Story: Medical Lighting Devices

Lumitex: From 5 Inbound Leads Per Month to Over 40 Leads Per Month

Lumitex, a medical lighting device company based in Northeast Ohio, had an outdated website that wasn't generating any new business. Incorporating a growth-driven website and the power of HubSpot led to their success.

HubSpot + Inbound Strategy = Growth


Increase in Leads in the First Two Years


Visits in the First Two Years


Increase in YoY Traffic

“Modgility helped us determine the metrics and data required to set goals to be where our company wanted to be.”

Jeannine Volchko
Marketing Specialist, Lumitex

A Growth-Driven Website

Lumitex had an outdated website that wasn't resulting in leads. They needed to improve their user experience and create content to attract their target audience.

With the help of Modgility, Lumitex implemented the complete HubSpot growth tech stack, which included their website, CRM, sales enablement, and customer service tools. 

Having a growth-driven allowed Lumitex to launch a website in a short period that outperformed their previous site. Over the course of the first two years, by collecting user data and identifying high-impact actions, Modgility was able to continuously improve the Lumitex website while gaining more qualified leads and increasing organic traffic.

With the use of HubSpot, Lumitex was able to align their sales, marketing, and customer service efforts. Having a website built on HubSpot, Lumitex could capture qualified leads and seamlessly transfer them to their sales team using the robust CRM and automation tools. 

Within the first two years, Lumitex saw an increase in leads by 140% from their website and a 119% year-over-year increase in website traffic.

Ready to Talk?

Let's determine how we can help you accomplish your goals faster, boost profitability, and lower costs.